Download Bandwidth Meter v5.2.0.0

Download Bandwidth Meter v5.2.0.0

Bandwidth Meter contains licensed core Windows (TM) networking technology and is currently installed and in use with IBM, Sony, Microsoft, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Google, Yahoo and many other leading technology firms.
View real-time graphic (and numeric) details regarding the amount of data flowing through your network, LAN or WAN connection.
Bandwidth Meter also includes extensive logging (daily, weekly, monthly and yearly), traffic events, network pinging and much more. It works with virtually all types of network connections including dialup modems, DSL, cable modem, LAN and satellite.

Product Features
Easy to install and use - Works straight out the box with easy setup and configuration.
Flexible - you have total control over configuration and monitoring options - choose an individual adapter or monitor them all.
Powerful - Monitor DSL, ISDN, LAN, Cable and DUN connections.
Connection logging - View connection details in summary, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly format, plus export to Microsoft Excel.
Set the readout display in either kB/sec (kilobytes per second) or kbps (kilobits per second).
Now you can see data being uploaded from your computer or downloaded to your computer. If you've been the victim of SpyWare or an unauthorized program is accessing net resources you can see the bandwidth consumption immediately.
Notifications: Bandwidth Meter can notify you of poor connections, peak performance and other events you specify. It can also regularly ping a host to prevent disconnection.

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